Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Birthday



巴厘岛回来不久就是我的生日了。。。Honey 在巴厘岛已经跟我庆祝了所以我生日当天不想再什么庆祝就决定和家人一起过吧!

我家人说很久没有吃KFC 了。。。所以就去买一桶KFC回家做我们的晚餐咯!红鸡蛋是我妈弄给我的。。。

现在的KFC 不是那么好吃了而且又贵 .... 吃饱后。。。Hihi...还是有和Honey 去看一场戏啦!
我们去看 《World Invasion : Battle LA》

 这是Honey 送我的生日卡。。。好快哦!一转眼就25岁了! 突然想起原来我小时后许下的心愿真的有成真哦!还记得我四五年级,10 /11 岁我说我25 岁要嫁人。。。刚好我今年25岁也刚好今年年尾要结婚。。。


Honey 写了一些东西。。。

" As we grew older, our responsibility increased, so much so that we no longer look ahead for special birthday treat. Instead i wish you to stay healthy that together. We can experience every memorable moments in our lives - ROM ceremony and Pre-honeymoon in Bali. There are more moments of life awaiting us. I look forward for your next birthday, and enjoying the happiness together."