如果有人问我巴厘岛有什么好玩的? 我会说巴厘岛是一个宝岛,你想玩什么都有。 不是吗? 你想玩水上活动,巴厘岛有很多很漂亮的海滩,如果你想休闲宁静放松的你可以上巴厘岛的火山,你想看古迹古庙巴厘文化,这里到处都是,你想找美食,巴厘岛的美食也不差啊!所以这里真的是一座宝岛,是看你自己怎样去揭发,它的神秘,它的好玩之处。。。
来到巴厘岛的第四天,我每一天都去不一样的地方看不一样的东西 。。。看的越多,就越觉得巴厘岛我真的没来错!!今天在巴厘岛的第四天,坦白说我的体力已经是开始下滑了!哈哈。。。因为每一天的行程都是满满的。。。从第一天开始每一个景点都不想错过,但是我是累到开心的,每一天都很充实,很有冲劲, 很有活力!
今天结束前的最一个景点,我们安排了去看Kintamani 火山。。。
Kintamani is the most favorite tourist destinations in Bali with the active volcano of mount Batur and beautiful lake. Kintamani is surrounded by the captivating nature and there are six ancient villages around cauldron of Batur Lake which is often conceived by Bali Age Village. The local people from these Bali Age villages own the unique cultures, houses and life style. Kintamani Area is consisted of some Villages those are Kedisan Village , Buahan, Abang, Trunyan, Songan, South Batur, Middle Batur, North Batur, Sukawana and Kintamani Village . The total of resident in these area are about 15 thousand who are mostly working as farmer, merchant, or work at industrial tourism.
Mount Batur is located at Kintamani and it has erupted about 24 times since year 1800 and still active up to now. Since the mount erupting, it has impacted to the local society life around this mount, like removing altar (Temple), improve or repairing the village and re-arrange the tradition. Lake Batur is the biggest lake in Bali and functioning as irrigation source to all farmers around it and it is also for all Bali society generally. Kintamani area has been founded some lodging, hotels and restaurants which are located in Kintamani and Penelokan Village.
It is a famous tourist place because Kintamani area owns the beautiful panorama and it is encircled by the cold atmosphere. Kintamani is beautifully seen at the day time around 10:00 am until 15:00 pm especially having fine weather where entire Kintamani area will be able to be seen clearly. Generally, all tourists who pay a visit to this place will arrive in the day time where they can enjoy the panorama or enjoy the lunch in the local restaurant with lake view. Mostly restaurants at Kintamani generally own very beautiful view where tourist merging into their lunch in this restaurant and meanwhile enjoy the panorama.
去看火山需要付一个入门票的,但是是算车的不是算人头, 一辆车是Rp20,000 / Car。。。

当你站在这里的时候,你眼前的这座火山是很壮观的。。。跟看照片的feel 是不一样的!照片里看到整座火山是光溜溜的,黑色的部分就是上次火山爆发所喷射出来的熔浆。。。
火山旁边有一个湖 - Batur Lake 。。。。

这是被我Honey 加工了的Panaroma照片。。。整幅完整的美景就是像这个样子。。。火山伴着湖,湖伴着火山。。。
离开Kintamani 火山不久,看到路旁插满了很多颜色的旗子,路上也停满了车子。。。看到这样的画面,我真的不知道,司机是怎样把车开过去的。。。只知道他一直把车往前开。。。
原来我们碰到了路旁一座庙 - Temple Batur 的庆典。。。信徒们穿着它们的服装,步行进庙拜拜。。。
结束了吗? 我巴厘岛的旅途结束了吗? 还没!我们还要继续往北部Lovina 出发。。。从Kintamani 火山去到Lovina 需要2个多小时的车程。。。一路往下山的路走,弯弯曲曲的,这时天空还下起了毛毛细雨。。。但是一点也影响不了,明天一早出海看海豚的心情。。。